Friday, May 20, 2011

Using Parametric Contrasints On Inventor

In this assignment, we were to use the equations on the Parametric Table to create this. We learned a new way to dimension an object by just clicking other lines. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Parametric Table

In this activity, we were to use a Parametric Table. With this we were to read the information given to fill in anything that was blank. The most important parts were the equations. Everthing related to one another.

Isometric Working Drawings And Dimensions

For this activity, we were to choose 6 figures from the isometric paper we used in the beginning of the year. We were to sketch each one in IPT and then extrude them. Afterwards, we were to use the IDW to show the dimentions of each one.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Driving Constraint

In this assignment, we were to use the driving constraint to make the gear move.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Puzzle Cube:Inventor

After completeing the prototype of the puzzle cube, students were assigned to make the exact same things on Autodesk Inventor. First we had to create each combination piece. After this, we took the pieces that we used to create the cube and put them all together to form the cube on Inventor. After this was done, we were to animate the cube to show how each piece comes together to make the final product. Finally, we put the final cube and the animation on working drawing.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Perspective Sketchings and Drawings

During this lesson, students were to comprehend one-point, two-point, and three-point perspectives. After this, we were to copy them on a sheet of graph paper.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Puzzle Cube

For this assignment, we were given a design brief containing infomation and contraints we had to complete a puzzle cube. We used the design process to complete this assignment. After we defined the problem, we brainstormed by writing down different types of combinations that were 3x3. We then created a prototype, and finally created a packing for the cube.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oblique Sketching

For this assignment, students were to comprehend oblique sketches and how to do them.